Legal Implications on Imposition of Fiduciary Duty of Diligence of the Highest Degree (1st of 2 Parts )
MAP Insights
December 28, 2021
The enforcement of the doctrine that the degree of diligence required of corporations vested with public interests is of the highest degree (i.e., extraordinary diligence) has legal implications on: (i) the burden of proof to make the corporation directly liable to the injured stakeholder; and...
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the Future
Food Sovereignty
MAPping the Future
December 27, 2021
I was in a Conference on Slow Food aptly titled “Slow Start” with Cong. Kiko Benitez of Negros Occidental where he talked about the subject. I asked for a copy of his speech because it so resonated with me as a Slow Food advocate and...
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Climate Change: Researches and Initiatives
MAP Insights
December 21, 2021
Climate Change (CC) is again at the limelight as global leaders and stakeholders from about 200 countries gathered together to tackle the issue of CC for the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) in early November in Glasgow, Scotland.   The two-week conference, marked by...
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the Future
Mind your language
MAPping the Future
December 20, 2021
For years, women have faced broad, cultural biases and many people still believe that women cannot hold power and ranks. Gender roles and expectations, whether productive, reproductive, community management, or political, are passed down from one generation to another and often deemed as socially acceptable...
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A Paradigm Shift in Voter Thinking
MAP Insights
December 14, 2021
The upcoming fight for the Presidency will be won in the provinces, so having a strong, well-organized and funded party machinery is very crucial to deliver the message and to secure the votes to win the Presidential election.   Considering present demographics, media reach and...
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In Aid of Legislation
MAP Insights
December 7, 2021
“Public office is a public trust” is enshrined in the 1987 Philippine Constitution. Congress plays a crucial role in upholding accountability and check and balance in both executive and judicial branches of the government.   An investigation in aid of legislation is indeed necessary to...
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Re-Shaping Corporate Volunteerism during COVID-19
MAPping the Future
December 6, 2021
International Volunteer Day is celebrated globally every 5th day of December. In the last 2 years, however, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to re-shape how we volunteer.   Central to volunteerism are relationships forged from physical interaction among volunteers and beneficiaries, NGO partners, donors...
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