Second wind
MAP Insights
April 25, 2023
If you’re into running or marathons, you most likely have experienced extreme exhaustion at some point during a run and the need to catch your breath. You close your eyes for a few seconds, take a deep breath, and then suddenly you find the strength...
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the Future
Uniting Philippines in pursuit of a powerful nation brand
MAPping the Future
April 24, 2023
As a former diplomat turned entrepreneur, I have played various roles in representing and championing the Philippines. Yet, throughout this journey, I have consistently acted as a salesman for my country. I have witnessed how solid country branding can propel a nation to global prominence,...
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MAP Campaign Against Malnutrition and Child Stunting
MAP Insights
April 18, 2023
We in the Management Association of the Philippines (MAP) recently launched our campaign against malnutrition and child stunting as part of our mission to create a positive impact in nation-building. Our initiatives in getting our message out there about the urgency of addressing this problem...
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Who is Malnourished?
MAP Insights
April 11, 2023
When we hear the world “malnourished”, the images that come to mind are emaciated children from poor communities waiting for their next Nutribun or porridge. This malnutrition problem has caused a steep rise in stunted growth of our children over the last decades. Children do...
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the Future
Paying Taxes as Easy as 1-2-3
MAPping the Future
April 10, 2023
There is a recent surge of proposed legislations related to the ease of paying taxes. One such proposed legislation is Senate Bill No. 1346, or the Ease of Paying Taxes Bill, which is presently pending with the Committee on Ways and Means. Among the salient...
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Interesting times
MAP Insights
April 4, 2023
In its March 7, 2023 article, McKinsey reported that while the Philippines has yet to reach pre-pandemic growth rates, big opportunities exist across sectors. As the world emerges from the pandemic, business leaders must shape innovation and growth by anticipating future disruptions. It cited five...
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the Future
Harvard puts a Spotlight on the Philippines
MAPping the Future
April 3, 2023
On the evening of March 22, 2023 the Philippines shone brightly.  That night, the highest-ranking Harvard University official ever to visit the Philippines, Harvard Provost Dr. Alan Garber, who was on a two-day visit as part of a swing through Southeast Asia, was given a...
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