MAP Insights
February 1, 2022
IF YOU HAVE WATCHED Designated Survivor on Netflix you may understand what governance means. And it simply means transparency and accountability expressed in leadership and in decision-making.   Tom Kirkman is what every leader should be in the free world: honest, sincere and accountable. But...
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You Want A Seat at the B-Suite?
MAP Insights
January 25, 2022
Corporations, especially publicly listed corporations (PLCs), are constantly on the “lookout” for individuals who can be invited or recruited to become Board members. With the push towards good corporate governance, there is no question that having competent individuals sitting as Board members more so if...
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PUSH FOR CHANGE: Towards a Better Future for All
MAP Insights
January 18, 2022
The current situation   Let us now take a quick look at our country’s current situation. We are still facing severe and multiple crises, including a health crisis, an economic crisis, an education crisis, an environmental crisis, and a social justice crisis. Given that 2022...
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2020 too?
MAP Insights
January 11, 2022
Let me start by wishing you all a much better year in 2022 than in 2020 and 2021. Hopefully, this year will be safer, healthier, happier and more prosperous for everyone. But will it really or will it be 2020 too? Let’s address our risk...
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Legal Implications on Imposition of Fiduciary Duty of Diligence of the Highest Degree (2nd of 2 Parts )
MAP Insights
January 4, 2022
In its 2018 Resolution, Virata v. Ng Wee, affirmed in toto the foregoing rulings in dismissing the motions for reconsideration filed by the petitioning directors and officers of Wincorp, and thereby solidifying the doctrine that when it comes to corporations vested with public interests, such...
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Legal Implications on Imposition of Fiduciary Duty of Diligence of the Highest Degree (1st of 2 Parts )
MAP Insights
December 28, 2021
The enforcement of the doctrine that the degree of diligence required of corporations vested with public interests is of the highest degree (i.e., extraordinary diligence) has legal implications on: (i) the burden of proof to make the corporation directly liable to the injured stakeholder; and...
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Climate Change: Researches and Initiatives
MAP Insights
December 21, 2021
Climate Change (CC) is again at the limelight as global leaders and stakeholders from about 200 countries gathered together to tackle the issue of CC for the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) in early November in Glasgow, Scotland.   The two-week conference, marked by...
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A Paradigm Shift in Voter Thinking
MAP Insights
December 14, 2021
The upcoming fight for the Presidency will be won in the provinces, so having a strong, well-organized and funded party machinery is very crucial to deliver the message and to secure the votes to win the Presidential election.   Considering present demographics, media reach and...
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In Aid of Legislation
MAP Insights
December 7, 2021
“Public office is a public trust” is enshrined in the 1987 Philippine Constitution. Congress plays a crucial role in upholding accountability and check and balance in both executive and judicial branches of the government.   An investigation in aid of legislation is indeed necessary to...
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