The Future In The Present Tense
MAP Insights
June 29, 2021
The past fifteen months have brought unprecedented chaos and life changes for the generations alive today. We battled and continue the big fight with a ‘corona’ of thorns that already bled us with grim stories of lives disrupted, jobs lost, businesses closing, and loved ones...
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CG Principles of “Transparency” and “Accountability”: Duty to Maintain and Report on Key Corporate Records
MAP Insights
June 29, 2021
One of the significant corporate governance (CG) reforms introduced under the Revised Corporation Code of the Philippines (RCCP) was the formally institution of the “fiduciary duty to maintain records and to report on significant corporate information.” Section 161 of the RCCP, under the title “Violation...
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What resilience looks like
MAP Insights
June 22, 2021
The disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic has, unfortunately, left many organizations paralyzed, unable to weather the storm. For those of us that have been able to adapt, it continues to be a challenging period filled with uncertainty and difficult decisions. The resilience that is...
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Fiduciary Duty of Loyalty: Conflict-of- Interests Situations for Directors, Trustees or Officers
MAP Insights
June 15, 2021
Principle 2 of the Corporate Governance (CG) Code for Publicly-Listed Companies (PLCs) provides that “The fiduciary roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of the Board as provided under the law, the company’s articles and by-laws, and other legal pronouncements and guidelines should be clearly made known to...
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GFSI: Measuring food security across countries
MAP Insights
June 8, 2021
Food security is a pressing concern among countries, especially that food is essential to meet the needs of a growing population. Food security means that “all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their...
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Claiming the Proverbial Seat at the Table
MAP Insights
June 1, 2021
International Women’s Day is celebrated every March, and this is the second that we are again spending at home. Ironically, one of the (many) events where I had the privilege to speak gave me the opportunity to “come back home.” As a proud SGV alumni...
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The Long and Winding Road to Trust in Vaccination
MAP Insights
May 25, 2021
Discussions continue in many parts of the country on the easing of mobility restrictions to reopen the economy, restore its health, and bring back jobs and the livelihood of many. However, economic recovery will only happen once public health is restored and for that to...
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CG Principle of Transparency: Disclosure of Compensation Received by Directors or Trustees
MAP Insights
May 18, 2021
Recommendation 8.4 of the Corporate Governance (CG) Code for Publicly-Listed Companies (PLCs) recommends that a proper disclosure should be made of the policies and procedure in setting Board remunerations, thus: “The company should provide a clear disclosure of its policies and procedure for setting Board...
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Staying Put, Looking Forward
MAP Insights
April 27, 2021
2020 may very well be the longest year any of us has ever experienced. Filipinos of all walks of life were faced with new adversities, many of which remain unresolved as we approach 2021’s halfway point. Nevertheless, changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic also...
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