Worried about AI? Worry first if your organization is effectively using existing data.
MAP Insights
December 19, 2023
Today’s news, advertising, and daily conversations often discuss AI (artificial intelligence), generative AI, deepfake photos, and videos, and the mad scramble among technology companies jockeying for position with these disruptive developments. Almost every software vendor now proclaims that they embed AI in their offerings. As...
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Sharing prosperity with stockholders
MAP Insights
December 12, 2023
On Nov. 5, 2020, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Management Association of the Philippines (MAP), as lead organization, launched the Covenant for Shared Prosperity as the response of the business community to the poverty and inequality which continues to plague Philippine society...
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Valuable lessons in preparedness
MAP Insights
December 5, 2023
There are management lessons to be taken from America’s mismanagement of its security and defense preparedness that rumbled through three decades of wrong turns that have led to its current precarious situation. Here’s what I gathered from my research. US security officials fear that Beijing...
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13th month pay: A comprehensive guide for SMEs
MAP Insights
November 28, 2023
For business owners, understanding the intricacies of employee compensation and taxation is crucial to maintain a well-functioning and compliant workforce. It ensures that their employees are fairly compensated, while also meeting their legal obligations. One key aspect of employee compensation in the Philippines is the...
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Tree Planting 4.0 for executives
MAP Insights
November 20, 2023
Probably the most popular employee engagement volunteer activity is Tree Planting. But has this really helped? Do the trees grow to be century-old trees, like those we see in New Manila, UP Diliman, and in the UP Los Baños Forestry areas? Or are we just...
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Diversifying revenue streams for SMEs
MAP Insights
November 14, 2023
With economic turbulence not letting up post-pandemic, the adage “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” has never rung truer. For Philippine small and medium enterprises (SMEs), the economic slowdown of major global economies, trade tensions between global players, and inflationary pressures have led...
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The saga of the farmers’ unrequited toil in planting rice
MAP Insights
November 7, 2023
A popular ditty goes that “Planting rice is never fun. Bent from morn ’til the set of sun.” Rice farmers nowadays would likely append to that folk ballad the lyrics, “planting rice ain’t rewarding as well.” After all, their average income is not quite enough to...
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Success redefined: Bridging generational gaps
MAP Insights
October 31, 2023
In the hallowed halls of my alma mater, a singular principle was instilled in us from an early age: become servant leaders. We were encouraged to dream big, aspire for success and reach for the stars. But our alma mater’s unwavering emphasis was on one crucial...
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Gender fair education
MAP Insights
October 24, 2023
With the recent opening of schools, I was reminded of a significant milestone that took place in September 2015, when 193 countries of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly, including the Philippines, committed to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Among the 17...
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