Improving ease of doing business: ARTA and PPP
MAP Insights
July 25, 2023
The bane of doing business in the Philippines is that all entities (juridical, such as corporations or partnerships, and individuals) are required to apply for, and comply with, government regulations and requirements with compliance evidenced by relevant permits and documents which allow them to go...
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Filipino resilience – our pillar in a highly disruptive future
MAP Insights
July 18, 2023
There has been a flurry of bad press about the Philippines: the dismal state of our education system, the drop in our global competitiveness ranking, and more recently the decline in Metro Manila’s ranking in a global live-ability index. In addition, international reports, such as...
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The need for a Philippine country brand and a National Branding Council to establish the same
MAP Insights
July 11, 2023
(This Management Association of the Philippines Statement has been submitted to the Office of the President.) The Philippines is a beautiful and diverse country that offers a wide range of attractions and opportunities for both domestic and international visitors. We have a rich history, a...
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MAP urges government to declare malnutrition and child stunting as top national agenda
MAP Insights
July 4, 2023
We in the Management Association of the Philippines (MAP) firmly believe that because of their huge human and economic costs, malnutrition and child stunting deserve to be among the country’s top national priorities, together with other urgent issues like poverty, climate change, and national security....
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Go international
MAP Insights
June 20, 2023
In these days of the Internet 4.0, ChatGPT 2.0 and AI, the global boundaries between and among nations have been blurred. It is no longer possible to just stay as a local advocacy group, but it is easier now to embrace international groups, partners, and...
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Green jobs and job titles
MAP Insights
June 13, 2023
Did you notice the new names for courses in college these days? There are applied management courses, management engineering, communication management, multimedia management and many more names that did not exist about 20 years ago. And there are new job titles, careers and green jobs...
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Is there a business case for Board Diversity?
MAP Insights
June 6, 2023
Despite the many studies from different countries on the benefits of board diversity — with at least 90 (and counting) all pointing to a correlation between more women on boards and companies’ better financial performance — there remains skepticism or hesitancy among organizations on adopting...
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New Directions for a Rebounding Economy
MAP Insights
May 30, 2023
As the Philippine economy rebounds from the deepest COVID-induced recession among our neighbors, we now see GDP growth that so far looks the fastest. But that is not something to brag or get complacent about, as part of it is the “base effect”: it’s arithmetically...
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The Procurement Law needs a quick review
MAP Insights
May 23, 2023
As we go around different Shared Service Facilities (SSF) given as grants to communities around the country, our hearts are full just knowing that the poorest of the poor do get government assistance. What we lament, through, is the fact that the procurement laws of...
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