How to be a Techie
MAP Insights
December 27, 2022
It is never too late to liberate yourself from an assistant. And take things into your hands. It is the best thing you can do to keep your brain healthy.   Executives are spoiled in that they do not even need to think of bills,...
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Addressing High Inflation in the Philippines
MAP Insights
December 20, 2022
This policy memo was submitted to the Harvard Kennedy School as final requirement to API 121 Recession, Growth and Macroeconomic Policy under Professor Karen Dynan. A copy of this was forwarded to the Department of Finance, the Senate and the House of Representatives for their...
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3 Life Lessons for the Next-Generation Leaders and Managers
MAP Insights
December 13, 2022
When I learned that I was nominated for the “MAP Management Man of the Year” Award, I asked if I could be withdrawn from consideration.   I didn’t think I had done anything extraordinary to deserve the nomination.   You see, Washington SyCip, Cesar Virata,...
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Foreign retailers and investors in Philippine retail trade
MAP Insights
December 6, 2022
The legal topography in the country’s retail trade sector has become obscure with the promulgation of the Twelfth (12th) Regular Foreign Investment Negative List (RFINL) in the last month of President Rodrigo R. Duterte’s term of office, since it includes in its “No Foreign Equity”...
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How SMEs can manage fluctuating peso values better
MAP Insights
November 29, 2022
This year’s most harrowing economic trend, following the accelerated rate of inflation, is the depreciation of the Philippine peso against the US dollar. The local currency hit ₱50 to $1 dollar in July 2022 and continued to depreciate, eventually dropping to ₱59 in September and...
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Focusing on What Matters – A Tax Regime Proposal
MAP Insights
November 22, 2022
“Focus on what matters” isn’t only a phrase that applies to maintaining a proper work-life balance or just bettering your life in general.  This phrase is also the key to improving our tax administration.   Under the 2021 BIR Annual Report (the latest as of...
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Inclusive Business for an Inclusive ASEAN
MAP Insights
November 15, 2022
Last  November 8  to 13, 2022, the 40th and 41st ASEAN Summit was held in Cambodia with the theme “‘ASEAN A.C.T: Addressing Challenges Together,” underscoring ASEAN’s spirit of “Togetherness” as one community and the common will in its collective endeavor to address and overcome challenges...
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The Generational Shift: Mindsets, Motivations, Management
MAP Insights
November 8, 2022
When I joined the Management Association of the Philippines (MAP) in 2009, I was 33 and president of Pacific Sun Solutions. I wondered what MAP could do for me as a young female CEO.   Thirteen years later, it’s 2022, and I am happy to...
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How to Explore ASEAN
MAP Insights
November 1, 2022
It is important to know about Free Trade Agreements, such as the AFTA which covers the ASEAN region. Before we even go to the RCEP, ASEAN Plus and other aggrupations, it makes sense to know first about ASEAN.   Who are the member states? You...
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