the Future
THE WINS OF CHANGE: Thriving in a World of in-betweens
MAPping the Future
September 26, 2022
The 20th International CEO Conference on THE WINS OF CHANGE: THRIVING IN A WORLD OF IN-BETWEENS of the Management Association of the Philippines (MAP) was conducted for the first time in a hybrid platform. The past two years saw many firsts brought about by the...
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the Future
Reforming the Private Pension System (2nd of 2 Parts)
MAPping the Future
September 19, 2022
(2nd of 2 Parts)   It is a Constitutional mandate for the State to promote a just and dynamic social order, free the people from poverty and provide an improved quality of life for all.  Towards this end, the Constitution likewise mandates that the State,...
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the Future
What would it take to have effective universal healthcare in the Philippines
MAPping the Future
September 12, 2022
“Health is economy.” This key idea, which former Socioeconomic Planning Secretary Ernesto Pernia wrote about in 2020, still resonates today as the Philippines continues to recover from the pandemic.   It certainly resounded among the attendees of the Management Association of the Philippines’ (MAP) Forum...
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the Future
Reforming the Private Pension System
MAPping the Future
September 5, 2022
(1st of 2 Parts)   The Philippine private pension system has serious flaws that need to be fixed. It is not portable, not funded, not adequate, not actuarially fair, not sustainable.  As a consequence, it does not ensure the continued well-being or provide a comfortable...
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the Future
Sustainable Growth Amidst Crisis through the Blue Economy Concept
MAPping the Future
August 29, 2022
From Threat to Crisis: Worse than Pandemic?   I started writing about the new blue economy in this column in Nov. 2015, just before the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Top political leaders of UN...
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the Future
Is there a way for businesses to make money during inflation?
MAPping the Future
August 22, 2022
Inflation is an ever-looming threat to the survival of many small and medium enterprises (SMEs). It hurts business owners’ bottom lines in every possible way: it reduces consumer spending, especially on non-essential items; increases the cost of labor and raw materials; and places higher interest...
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the Future
The View from the Ground: The Impact of the Pandemic on Employees’ Mental Health
MAPping the Future
August 15, 2022
The pandemic has significantly changed the way people work. It has also affected the well-being of employees who had to learn how to work from home, then adjust to shifting social-distancing measures. Given their impact on the workforce’s productivity, these experiences and their effects on...
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the Future
Simplified Tax Regime for Micro and Small Enterprises
MAPping the Future
August 8, 2022
Based on the March 2022 Labor Force Survey of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), there are more than 17 million (M) informal sector workers, including tiangge (or flea market) and ambulant vendors, street vendors, and over 1.3M sari-sari stores which remain unregistered with the Bureau...
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the Future
Thinking Traps from the Field to the Board Room
MAPping the Future
August 1, 2022
I once advised a company that launched a promo to increase revenues from a specific customer segment. The marketing team members who designed the promo were experienced experts. Yet, the promo flopped because the winners were NOT the segment they set out to target. Worse,...
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