the Future
Taxation of the Digital Economy
MAPping the Future
January 3, 2022
The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) has been making deficiency tax assessments on the income payments made by local companies and agencies to non-resident foreign corporations (NFRCs) particularly tech giants like Amazon, Google and Facebook (or Meta). The deficiency tax assessments include non-withholding of final...
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the Future
Food Sovereignty
MAPping the Future
December 27, 2021
I was in a Conference on Slow Food aptly titled “Slow Start” with Cong. Kiko Benitez of Negros Occidental where he talked about the subject. I asked for a copy of his speech because it so resonated with me as a Slow Food advocate and...
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the Future
Mind your language
MAPping the Future
December 20, 2021
For years, women have faced broad, cultural biases and many people still believe that women cannot hold power and ranks. Gender roles and expectations, whether productive, reproductive, community management, or political, are passed down from one generation to another and often deemed as socially acceptable...
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Re-Shaping Corporate Volunteerism during COVID-19
MAPping the Future
December 6, 2021
International Volunteer Day is celebrated globally every 5th day of December. In the last 2 years, however, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to re-shape how we volunteer.   Central to volunteerism are relationships forged from physical interaction among volunteers and beneficiaries, NGO partners, donors...
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the Future
Towards A Well-Being Economy
MAPping the Future
November 29, 2021
Our Current Economy and its Main Measures of Progress   Traditionally, our policy and decision makers use three basic measures of economic progress: Gross Domestic Product (GDP), inflation rate, and unemployment rate.   But how useful are these economic measures, especially during this period when...
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the Future
Blindsided by The Market and GDP is Never Enough (2nd of 2 Parts)
MAPping the Future
November 15, 2021
GDP is Never Enough (2nd of 2 Parts)   In my previous article, Blindsided By The Market, I explained the need for robust institutions and a socially-oriented mindset to counter two side effects of the neoclassical market model – devaluation of the priceless and inequality...
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the Future
Blindsided by The Market and GDP is Never Enough (1st of 2 Parts)
MAPping the Future
November 8, 2021
Social enterprise, sustainable products, workplace diversity and inclusion, work-life balance, and mental health – these are words I never spoke or heard of when I was a kid. Back then, the only balance I knew was on a see-saw, and I worried about my health...
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the Future
Re-Learning Health Education, Preparing the Health Workforce
MAPping the Future
November 1, 2021
An article that came out in FORTUNE appears to foretell the disruption that has started – and will gain momentum in the future. Who among us would have imagined that “the new path to a six-figure salary will no longer require a college degree?” Where...
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the Future
Institutionalizing innovation in your organization
MAPping the Future
October 25, 2021
Behind every crisis is opportunity, as the adage goes. Astute entrepreneurs and business executives embrace this as their mantra. They invest instead of hold back, may it be in people, property, and even in innovation. The latter is the wellspring of new processes and technologies,...
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