the Future
All-risk environment
MAPping the Future
October 11, 2021
Let’s talk about our risk environment. I’ve been harping on this because my sense is that we’re not engaged in a whole-of-nation effort. Would it be correct to say that there’s no palpable systematic whole-of-society nor whole-of-government integrated initiative to mitigate and manage risk? I...
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the Future
Hindsights, Insights, Foresights: THE FUTURE IN THE PRESENT TENSE
MAPping the Future
September 20, 2021
When the 18th Management Association of the Philippines (MAP) International CEO Web Conference was held last year 2020, it was with high hopes that 2021 will be a different scenario, that leaders of the business community will be able to actively join the discussions in...
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the Future
Celebrating Our Natural Assets with Positive Actions
MAPping the Future
September 13, 2021
This month of September we are celebrating two of our most important natural assets or capital—our marine biodiversity resulting from our being a MAN (Maritime and Archipelagic Nation that hosts the center of the center of marine biodiversity in the world) and our bamboo of...
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the Future
How MSMEs have innovated their business model
MAPping the Future
August 16, 2021
More than a year in the pandemic, a lot of businesses are still struggling due to the imposition of community quarantines. In fact, around 10 percent of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) have closed as of June amid the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the...
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the Future
CREATE is the only choice!
MAPping the Future
January 11, 2021
At the forthcoming legislature’s bicameral conference on corporate tax reform, it should only be a choice between CITIRA (House Bill 4157) and CREATE (Senate bill 1357). CITIRA is the House version of Package 2 of the comprehensive tax reform. CREATE, on the other hand, is...
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