the Future
Personal governance and Dream Philippines 2046
MAPping the Future
January 15, 2024
In January 2022, former Finance Secretary Jesus Estanislao, together with a few colleagues, convened a group of almost 100 volunteers to share the idea of Dream Philippines. These included friends, colleagues, associates, senior citizens, retired senior government officials, young students and young professionals from different...
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the Future
The year in review: Digital consumer protection in 2023
MAPping the Future
January 8, 2024
The new year is a good time to reflect on some key milestones that we achieved in the name of consumer protection in our increasingly digital world. In 2023, we saw several examples of how the public and the private sectors prioritized the safety of...
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the Future
MAP: The year in retrospect
MAPping the Future
December 25, 2023
This 2023, we posted significant increase in Management Association of the Philippines (MAP) membership and inducted 161 new members, a 15-percent addition that brought the number to 1,200 by year-end. Stricter guidelines for accepting new members were also implemented as adopted in the revised guidelines...
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the Future
The road to bridging and building a progressive future
MAPping the Future
December 18, 2023
The Management Association of the Philippines’ (MAP) mission of promoting management excellence for nation-building was captured in our 2023 theme, “Bridging snd building a progressive future.” The core strategy is to harness collective strengths to enhance internal fundamentals and leverage this to help in BUILDING...
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the Future
The Jollibee Story: Lessons on Leadership
MAPping the Future
December 11, 2023
(Last of two parts) Like everyone else, we got hit by our biggest challenge ever in 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic affected the restaurant industry the hardest. Yet amid this unexpected challenge, we found huge opportunities. We quickly pivoted from our largely dine-in focused business to...
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the Future
The Jollibee Story: Lessons on Leadership
MAPping the Future
December 4, 2023
(First of two parts) A jolly afternoon to you all! Let me begin by expressing how excited and grateful I am to be accepting this award from the Management Association of the Philippines, an organization I have always respected, which, for over 70 years, has...
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the Future
Clean water, hygiene: Crucial in solving malnutrition, child stunting
MAPping the Future
November 27, 2023
Addressing the root causes of malnutrition and child stunting requires a holistic approach to break the cycle. Beyond the provision of nutritious food, vitamins and nutrients, clean water and hygiene are foundational elements to eventually eradicating the problem. Access to clean drinking water, sanitation and...
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the Future
The caveats and promises of Maharlika Investment Fund
MAPping the Future
November 20, 2023
Republic Act No. 11954 constitutes the Maharlika Investment Corporation (MIC) as the government-owned and -controlled corporation (GOCC) tasked with the management of the Maharlika Investment Fund. The capitalization is more outlined, with a capital stock of P500 billion to be divided into P375 billion common...
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the Future
Fight corruption, help MSMEs
MAPping the Future
November 13, 2023
Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) contribute significantly to the economy. According to the World Bank, small and medium enterprises contribute up to 40 percent of gross domestic product in emerging economies and contribute about 50 percent of employment around the world. In the Philippines,...
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