the Future
Bridging and Building a Progressive Future
MAPping the Future
February 6, 2023
Let me first extend the gratitude of the 2023 Board of Governors for the confidence in entrusting us the stewardship of the Management Association of the Philippines or the MAP I convey my personal thanks for giving me this opportunity to be MAP’s 75th President...
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the Future
The Stenographer, The Silent Superhero
MAPping the Future
January 30, 2023
When discussing stenography, some people reminisce about a mother or aunt who used to scribble writing on paper (actually, they were writing in Gregg shorthand). Other people have a question on their faces, “do stenographers still exist?” – many are surprised to learn that stenography...
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the Future
There is Tourism Future in Culture
MAPping the Future
January 23, 2023
The pandemic experience is an eye-opener. Countries realized the impact of the tourism industry and its long value chain in national, regional and global economies. What used to be in high demand teetered and slumped to its worst record, averaging 75-80% reduction in international arrivals...
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the Future
Making Tax Evasion an International Crime
MAPping the Future
January 16, 2023
(This is an excerpt from the final paper submitted to the Harvard Kennedy School as final requirement to IGA 103 Global Governance under Professor Kathryn Sikkink.)   The adverse effects of corruption have long been recognized in the international community. In 2003, the United Nations...
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the Future
A SOCIAL ROLE FOR BUSINESS IN THE POST-COVID ERA Implications for Business Strategy and for Management Education
MAPping the Future
January 9, 2023
Context   The widespread economic and social suffering resulting from major shifts in the global economic and political landscapes, global warming, the coronavirus pandemic, and other global crises, have brought into sharp focus the social responsibility of business.   Business is increasingly being called upon...
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the Future
HEALTH EDUCATION IN TRANSITION: Preparing Future Health Workforce for Patient Care
MAPping the Future
January 2, 2023
The pandemic affected the health sector the most as health systems became overburdened with the requirements of patients needing care, even as the health workers themselves were also at risk from the disease. Many of the first casualties of the COVID-19 were those who attended...
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the Future
Shared Prosperity and Our Dream Philippines (Part II)
MAPping the Future
December 26, 2022
2nd of 2 Parts   In the first part of this article which was published on December 19, 2022, we wrote about the twin evils of Inequality and Exclusion that led to poverty, hunger and many other dehumanizing ills of society all over the world....
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the Future
Shared Prosperity and Our Dream Philippines (Part I)
MAPping the Future
December 19, 2022
1st of 2 Parts   For many years now, the whole world has been struggling with how to deal with the twin evils of Inequality and Exclusion. These two evils have led to worldwide poverty and hunger, and many other dehumanizing ills of society in...
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the Future
High Inflation, High Interest Rates: Looming Recession?
MAPping the Future
December 12, 2022
Inflation means a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money. It involves goods and services becoming more expensive over a certain period of time. Compared to the inflation rate in October 2021 at 4%, it has almost doubled in October...
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