the Future
The time to build PH branding is now
MAPping the Future
December 5, 2022
In 2018, I made a case for why the Philippines should invest in its nation branding. I said then that we needed one powerful enough to draw in more investors and create a positive impact on the economy and the lives of all Filipinos.  ...
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the Future
Holding Fast to the True Spirit of Communications
MAPping the Future
November 28, 2022
The past 60 years in Philippine modern data communications is a curious study on how advances in technology have changed the fabric of Filipino lives. While giant strides have been made to empower people to communicate, it is a case of why having too much...
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the Future
Everything is About Supply Chain Today
MAPping the Future
November 21, 2022
A broken supply chain will kill you, your business, and your country:  In March of 2021 before there was a supply of vaccines, I caught severe COVID and nearly died.  There was no ambulance, no hospital rooms, no medicines, and not enough health care support. ...
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the Future
Gold-rated EDSA BRT: Goodbye to commutergeddon
MAPping the Future
November 14, 2022
A stunning 62% of Filipinos aspire to own a car, the survey for NEDA’s Ambisyon 2040 revealed. If the wish is realized, streets will be overwhelmed and traffic gridlock will be the norm, aside from worsening air pollution. There is little doubt that the great...
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the Future
Discuss the Future of Work over a Cold Beer
MAPping the Future
November 7, 2022
In our grandparents’ time, a pair of gentlemen said that we are smart, in complete control of ourselves, and always act solely in our interest. With these traits, we seek what is most useful and valuable, which we usually measure with a price.   Those...
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the Future
The Agri-Aqua Innovation Challenge
MAPping the Future
October 31, 2022
Despite the country’s fertile lands and waters and huge exclusive economic zones, the Philippines is behind its neighbors in farm productivity, crop diversification, and agri- and sea-based export production.  Our farmers and fisher folk comprise two-thirds of the poor in the country.  Such is the...
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the Future
Winning strategy: Combining tech, talent and CX
MAPping the Future
October 24, 2022
As the world gradually returns to normal and businesses continue to recover from the pandemic, we find ourselves in a world of in-betweens – a place with both risks and opportunities as businesses figure out which legacy systems and pre-pandemic procedures they can merge with...
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the Future
Takeaways from the MAP CEO Conference
MAPping the Future
October 17, 2022
The global industry has faced significant setbacks because of the ongoing pandemic but the most important thing here is that our speakers and guests for the September 13, 2022 MAP International CEO Conference on “THE WINS OF CHANGE: Thriving in a World of In-Betweens” have...
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the Future
How can business owners deal with loan default and debt collection harassment?
MAPping the Future
October 3, 2022
Business owners should avoid defaulting on a loan as much as possible, especially since one must have a realistic payment plan in mind when getting financing. However, extraordinary circumstances such as the pandemic can derail even the most prepared SMEs. In these cases, you may...
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