News Release
Addressing High Inflation in the Philippines
Tax Bulletins
December 20, 2022
This policy memo was submitted to the Harvard Kennedy School as final requirement to API 121 Recession, Growth and Macroeconomic Policy under Professor Karen Dynan. A copy of this was forwarded to the Department of Finance, the Senate and the House of Representatives for their...
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News Release
Shared Prosperity and Our Dream Philippines (Part I)
Tax Bulletins
December 19, 2022
1st of 2 Parts   For many years now, the whole world has been struggling with how to deal with the twin evils of Inequality and Exclusion. These two evils have led to worldwide poverty and hunger, and many other dehumanizing ills of society in...
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News Release
3 Life Lessons for the Next-Generation Leaders and Managers
Tax Bulletins
December 13, 2022
When I learned that I was nominated for the “MAP Management Man of the Year” Award, I asked if I could be withdrawn from consideration.   I didn’t think I had done anything extraordinary to deserve the nomination.   You see, Washington SyCip, Cesar Virata,...
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News Release
High Inflation, High Interest Rates: Looming Recession?
Tax Bulletins
December 12, 2022
Inflation means a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money. It involves goods and services becoming more expensive over a certain period of time. Compared to the inflation rate in October 2021 at 4%, it has almost doubled in October...
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News Release
Foreign retailers and investors in Philippine retail trade
Tax Bulletins
December 6, 2022
The legal topography in the country’s retail trade sector has become obscure with the promulgation of the Twelfth (12th) Regular Foreign Investment Negative List (RFINL) in the last month of President Rodrigo R. Duterte’s term of office, since it includes in its “No Foreign Equity”...
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News Release
The time to build PH branding is now
Tax Bulletins
December 5, 2022
In 2018, I made a case for why the Philippines should invest in its nation branding. I said then that we needed one powerful enough to draw in more investors and create a positive impact on the economy and the lives of all Filipinos.  ...
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News Release
How SMEs can manage fluctuating peso values better
Tax Bulletins
November 29, 2022
This year’s most harrowing economic trend, following the accelerated rate of inflation, is the depreciation of the Philippine peso against the US dollar. The local currency hit ₱50 to $1 dollar in July 2022 and continued to depreciate, eventually dropping to ₱59 in September and...
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News Release
Holding Fast to the True Spirit of Communications
Tax Bulletins
November 28, 2022
The past 60 years in Philippine modern data communications is a curious study on how advances in technology have changed the fabric of Filipino lives. While giant strides have been made to empower people to communicate, it is a case of why having too much...
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News Release
Focusing on What Matters – A Tax Regime Proposal
Tax Bulletins
November 22, 2022
“Focus on what matters” isn’t only a phrase that applies to maintaining a proper work-life balance or just bettering your life in general.  This phrase is also the key to improving our tax administration.   Under the 2021 BIR Annual Report (the latest as of...
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