News Release
Critical and Strategic Priority Policies for Economic Dynamism
Tax Bulletins
July 18, 2022
First, allow me to thank Secretary Fred Pascual for accepting again to serve the country, this time as DTI Secretary.  And thank you for your service to MAP.  I know Secretary Fred that you will continue to serve our country well for “good men never...
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News Release
How Progressive is your board?
Tax Bulletins
July 12, 2022
Despite many initiatives for diversity in the workplace, the place that seems to be still impenetrable is the Board room. Here the macho Chair will not want to listen to other opinions especially a woman’s voice. After all, the other directors may just be “rubberstamp”,...
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News Release
Tax Bulletins
July 11, 2022
Dr. Niceto “Nick” Poblador’s book “Strategy in the New Age of Capitalism:  Collaborative and Inclusive Approaches to Value Creation” is a joy to read.  Reading Nick’s books is like visiting a chocolate store.  You want to take home everything in the shelf but you can...
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News Release
May Congress Delimit Through Legislation the Constitutional Coverage of “Public Utilities”?
Tax Bulletins
July 5, 2022
May Congress Delimit Through Legislation the Constitutional Coverage of “Public Utilities”?...
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News Release
ACCOUNTABILITY: The Core of Public Service and Governance
Tax Bulletins
July 4, 2022
ACCOUNTABILITY is a word that should be written in the stones that support the foundation of public service. Many times, those who get elected and those who serve forget that the oil that makes the gears of government run comes from the toils and labors...
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News Release
Is there Wisdom in Being Small?
Tax Bulletins
June 28, 2022
We always think of scale in everything. Every other business person will ask of an idea: is it scaleable? If there is no scale, it is not worth it, some may say. But, really, is there wisdom in staying small?   I recently shared our...
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News Release
The Tax Challenges and Opportunities for the Next Administration
Tax Bulletins
June 27, 2022
Approximately 24 million (M) out of 110M Filipinos are registered taxpayers. That is only 22% of the total population or 50% of the 48M total labor force in 2021.   Around 20M are employees or compensation income earners and at least 6M are earning P250,000...
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News Release
Demand Management
Tax Bulletins
June 21, 2022
I was listening to MAP outgoing President and incoming Trade and Industry Secretary Fred Pascual on TV the other day and was pleasantly surprised that he believed in managing demand to address the current challenges of a high import food bill.   He spoke about...
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News Release
Making the Agri-Agra Law: Work Some Implementable Proposals
Tax Bulletins
June 14, 2022
The Agri-Agra Law has been a frustration of regulators and farmers alike. The banks who find it inconvenient to comply just opt to pay the penalties. The penalties are not even prohibitive because the Central Bank implementors themselves (they will not admit it though) are...
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