News Release
THE WINS OF PANDEMIC CHANGE: Managing the Transitions
Tax Bulletins
May 30, 2022
After a bruising two-year pandemic, the world is eager to start living again albeit in a changed environment. We are in the midst of transition from epidemic to endemic, in the lengthy process of crossing over to a more stable recovery path and regaining the...
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News Release
When Does a Corporation Conduct its Business through Fraud?
Tax Bulletins
May 24, 2022
We posit that the offense sought to be punished under Section 165, i.e., “conducting its business through fraud,” does not provide a definition or the requisites by which to determine whether a crime has been committed. For example, it is not clear whether Section 165...
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News Release
How to Thrive and Prosper in the Talent Economy
Tax Bulletins
May 23, 2022
(On April 22, 2022 from 9 am to 11 am, the Management Association of the Philippines (MAP), under the leadership of President Fred Pascual and the Human and Management Development Committee (HMDC) Overall Chair Atty. Rico de Guzman organized a Webinar on “How to Thrive...
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News Release
Obtaining Corporate Registration through Fraud
Tax Bulletins
May 17, 2022
Section 164 of the Revised Corporation Code (RCC) provides that “those responsible for the formation of a corporation through fraud, or who assisted directly or indirectly therein,” shall be penalized with a fine ranging from P200,000 to P2.0 Million; But that,      when injurious or detrimental...
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News Release
Finding direction in democracy despite election uncertainties
Tax Bulletins
May 16, 2022
Campaign season in the Philippines is always fraught with discussions, debates, and disagreements not just between candidates but also among voters. Yet somehow, the lead-up to the 2022 national elections felt much more volatile than usual.   Though we tried to keep a level head...
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News Release
After May 9, 2022
Tax Bulletins
May 10, 2022
By the time you read this, it would be the day after E-day. The voters would have fulfilled their duty and chosen their candidates. Between now and then, exactly a week would have lapsed. The mitings de avance haven’t taken place yet. The last-minute frenzied...
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News Release
Not just for big business
Tax Bulletins
May 9, 2022
Saving the planet is best done by the small business owners who comprise about 95% of our business enterprises. That means you are never too small to do something good for Earth Day and beyond.   You can start by changing the way you buy,...
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News Release
How to take your high-performing SME into the Success Stage
Tax Bulletins
May 3, 2022
In the book Five Stages of Small Business Growth, researchers Neil C. Churchill and Virginia L. Lewis go in-depth about the growth framework that all small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) normally go through. It describes the common scenarios and challenges companies face at each stage, and what...
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News Release
BUSINESS AND SOCIETY: Reconciling Profit-Seeking Behavior and Social Responsibility
Tax Bulletins
May 2, 2022
Recent major shifts in the global economic and geo-political landscapes, exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic and now, the Ukraine war, have brought into sharp focus the social responsibility of business. Many thought leaders, including elements of the business community itself, are advocating that businesses    should...
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