News Release
PUSH FOR CHANGE: Towards a Better Future for All
Tax Bulletins
January 17, 2022
The current situation   Let us now take a quick look at our country’s current situation. We are still facing severe and multiple crises, including a health crisis, an economic crisis, an education crisis, an environmental crisis, and a social justice crisis. Given that 2022...
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News Release
2020 too?
Tax Bulletins
January 11, 2022
Let me start by wishing you all a much better year in 2022 than in 2020 and 2021. Hopefully, this year will be safer, healthier, happier and more prosperous for everyone. But will it really or will it be 2020 too? Let’s address our risk...
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News Release
Amid the Devastation of COVID-19, Glimmers of Hope
Tax Bulletins
January 10, 2022
For all the pain and suffering caused by the coronavirus infection, it has also given us reasons for optimism about the future.   A major cause for elation about what is arguably the worst viral scourge in recent memory is how it has hastened the...
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News Release
Legal Implications on Imposition of Fiduciary Duty of Diligence of the Highest Degree (2nd of 2 Parts )
Tax Bulletins
January 4, 2022
In its 2018 Resolution, Virata v. Ng Wee, affirmed in toto the foregoing rulings in dismissing the motions for reconsideration filed by the petitioning directors and officers of Wincorp, and thereby solidifying the doctrine that when it comes to corporations vested with public interests, such...
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News Release
Taxation of the Digital Economy
Tax Bulletins
January 3, 2022
The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) has been making deficiency tax assessments on the income payments made by local companies and agencies to non-resident foreign corporations (NFRCs) particularly tech giants like Amazon, Google and Facebook (or Meta). The deficiency tax assessments include non-withholding of final...
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News Release
Legal Implications on Imposition of Fiduciary Duty of Diligence of the Highest Degree (1st of 2 Parts )
Tax Bulletins
December 28, 2021
The enforcement of the doctrine that the degree of diligence required of corporations vested with public interests is of the highest degree (i.e., extraordinary diligence) has legal implications on: (i) the burden of proof to make the corporation directly liable to the injured stakeholder; and...
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News Release
Food Sovereignty
Tax Bulletins
December 27, 2021
I was in a Conference on Slow Food aptly titled “Slow Start” with Cong. Kiko Benitez of Negros Occidental where he talked about the subject. I asked for a copy of his speech because it so resonated with me as a Slow Food advocate and...
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News Release
Climate Change: Researches and Initiatives
Tax Bulletins
December 21, 2021
Climate Change (CC) is again at the limelight as global leaders and stakeholders from about 200 countries gathered together to tackle the issue of CC for the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) in early November in Glasgow, Scotland.   The two-week conference, marked by...
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News Release
Mind your language
Tax Bulletins
December 20, 2021
For years, women have faced broad, cultural biases and many people still believe that women cannot hold power and ranks. Gender roles and expectations, whether productive, reproductive, community management, or political, are passed down from one generation to another and often deemed as socially acceptable...
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