News Release
A Paradigm Shift in Voter Thinking
Tax Bulletins
December 14, 2021
The upcoming fight for the Presidency will be won in the provinces, so having a strong, well-organized and funded party machinery is very crucial to deliver the message and to secure the votes to win the Presidential election.   Considering present demographics, media reach and...
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News Release
In Aid of Legislation
Tax Bulletins
December 7, 2021
“Public office is a public trust” is enshrined in the 1987 Philippine Constitution. Congress plays a crucial role in upholding accountability and check and balance in both executive and judicial branches of the government.   An investigation in aid of legislation is indeed necessary to...
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Re-Shaping Corporate Volunteerism during COVID-19
Tax Bulletins
December 6, 2021
International Volunteer Day is celebrated globally every 5th day of December. In the last 2 years, however, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to re-shape how we volunteer.   Central to volunteerism are relationships forged from physical interaction among volunteers and beneficiaries, NGO partners, donors...
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Trust Issues: Reflections on the Current Philippine Trust Landscape”
Tax Bulletins
November 30, 2021
In the book Building Trust: In Business, Politics, Relationships, and Life, American authors Robert Solomon and Fernando Flores assert that trust isn’t something that’s constantly present but is rather cultivated – an active and dynamic part of life. They also introduced the concepts of naive...
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News Release
Towards A Well-Being Economy
Tax Bulletins
November 29, 2021
Our Current Economy and its Main Measures of Progress   Traditionally, our policy and decision makers use three basic measures of economic progress: Gross Domestic Product (GDP), inflation rate, and unemployment rate.   But how useful are these economic measures, especially during this period when...
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News Release
Can Quotas Help Women Join Boards?
Tax Bulletins
November 23, 2021
I am still wondering why women do not like quotas and insist that women get to positions of power only by merit. We were talking to a diverse group of women on the subject of women representation in corporate boards and these revelations came up....
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News Release
Is our slide to the bottom irreversible?
Tax Bulletins
November 16, 2021
Political season is upon us. As in all national elections, everyone’s distracted by it. Trolling, black propaganda, partisan mudslinging, backstabbing and all the negatives of self-serving politics are overpowering the nation’s consciousness. Once again it will be about winnability at all costs. Voters will be...
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News Release
Blindsided by The Market and GDP is Never Enough (2nd of 2 Parts)
Tax Bulletins
November 15, 2021
GDP is Never Enough (2nd of 2 Parts)   In my previous article, Blindsided By The Market, I explained the need for robust institutions and a socially-oriented mindset to counter two side effects of the neoclassical market model – devaluation of the priceless and inequality...
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News Release
A New Global Tax Regime (2nd of 2 Parts)
Tax Bulletins
November 9, 2021
This article (Part 2 of a series) focuses on Pillar 2 which requires the imposition of a 15% global minimum corporate tax on multinational enterprises (MNE). As mentioned in Part 1, this new global tax regime consisting of a two-pillar solution (Pillar 1 and 2)...
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