News Release
Going virtual during the pandemic
Tax Bulletins
September 21, 2021
Never before in the last fifty (50) years has there been any disruption in the school system as compelling and life-changing! As a result of the pandemic, schools were closed and face-to-face classes were prohibited. The traditional academic fundamentals as well as the business of...
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News Release
Hindsights, Insights, Foresights: THE FUTURE IN THE PRESENT TENSE
Tax Bulletins
September 20, 2021
When the 18th Management Association of the Philippines (MAP) International CEO Web Conference was held last year 2020, it was with high hopes that 2021 will be a different scenario, that leaders of the business community will be able to actively join the discussions in...
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News Release
Thou Shalt Not Covid Thy Neighbor’s Life
Tax Bulletins
September 14, 2021
After more than a year of rolling out experimental drugs for emergency use to combat the coronavirus pandemic, the jury’s still out as to which vaccine brands are effective against the current Delta variant. Some of those who’ve been fully jabbed are still getting infected...
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News Release
Celebrating Our Natural Assets with Positive Actions
Tax Bulletins
September 13, 2021
This month of September we are celebrating two of our most important natural assets or capital—our marine biodiversity resulting from our being a MAN (Maritime and Archipelagic Nation that hosts the center of the center of marine biodiversity in the world) and our bamboo of...
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News Release
Power – Green Power or Coal Power?
Tax Bulletins
September 7, 2021
The world has gone green. TESLA and even Porsche has electric cars. Yet, in a country like ours, GREEN power is not getting enough push. Did you know it would take 200 permits to get a solar plant started? Now that’s real red tape. We...
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News Release
Statutory Institution of the Stakeholder Theory: Corporations Vested with Public Interests
Tax Bulletins
August 17, 2021
An outstanding feature of the Revised Corporation Code of the Philippines (RCCP) is the formal institution within its corporate governance (CG) framework of “corporation whose business is vested with public interests.” Section 22 of the RCCP provides that the Board of Directors of the “following...
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News Release
How MSMEs have innovated their business model
Tax Bulletins
August 16, 2021
More than a year in the pandemic, a lot of businesses are still struggling due to the imposition of community quarantines. In fact, around 10 percent of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) have closed as of June amid the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the...
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News Release
Greening Is The New Black: Is it so difficult to make a company green?
Tax Bulletins
August 10, 2021
THE COMMUTE How many of your workers now commute using bicycles? Since we experienced MECQ, ECQ, GCQ and all kinds of lockdowns and limited public transportation, it has been a focus of many companies to look for solutions to employee mobility. Even SMEs, like ours,...
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News Release
Better and Smarter
Tax Bulletins
August 3, 2021
Our economy has been brought to its knees by COVID-19 since March 2020. It contracted last year by 9.6%. The country’s GDP shrank by 4.2% in the first quarter this year. 2Q results may turn out better, but with the Delta variant surging the world...
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