News Release
The Long and Winding Road to Trust in Vaccination
Tax Bulletins
May 25, 2021
Discussions continue in many parts of the country on the easing of mobility restrictions to reopen the economy, restore its health, and bring back jobs and the livelihood of many. However, economic recovery will only happen once public health is restored and for that to...
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News Release
CG Principle of Transparency: Disclosure of Compensation Received by Directors or Trustees
Tax Bulletins
May 18, 2021
Recommendation 8.4 of the Corporate Governance (CG) Code for Publicly-Listed Companies (PLCs) recommends that a proper disclosure should be made of the policies and procedure in setting Board remunerations, thus: “The company should provide a clear disclosure of its policies and procedure for setting Board...
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News Release
Staying Put, Looking Forward
Tax Bulletins
April 27, 2021
2020 may very well be the longest year any of us has ever experienced. Filipinos of all walks of life were faced with new adversities, many of which remain unresolved as we approach 2021’s halfway point. Nevertheless, changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic also...
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News Release
CG Principle of “Independence”
Tax Bulletins
April 20, 2021
Principle 5 of the Corporate Governance (CG) Code for Publicly-Listed Companies (PLCs) provides that “The Board should endeavor to exercise objective and independent judgment on all corporate affairs.” Recommendation 5.1 provides that “The Board should have at least three independent directors, or such number as...
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News Release
Primacy of the Board of Directors in CG
Tax Bulletins
April 13, 2021
Under the old Corporation Code, although Section 23 thereof provided for the doctrine of centralized management that vested directly in the Board of Directors all corporate powers, all corporate properties and all corporate business, nonetheless, the practice was more to the effect that the Board...
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News Release
CG Reforms Under the Revised Corporation Code
Tax Bulletins
April 6, 2021
Granting Statutory Bases for Corporate Governance Principles and Best Practices The promulgation into law of the Revised Corporation Code of the Philippines saw the placing into statutory language, and therefore into a more permanent framework, many of the corporate governance principles and best-practices adopted by...
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News Release
Corporate Governance Blueprint 2015
Tax Bulletins
March 30, 2021
Under the aegis of “Building a Stronger Corporate Governance Framework,” the SEC, under Chairperson Herbosa, formally promulgated the Philippine Corporate Governance Blueprint 2015 that embodied the SEC’s corporate governance (CG) roadmap for the next five years that would see the adoption of a new Code...
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News Release
Trusting the Messages and the Messenger: Filipinos and the COVID-19 Vaccines
Tax Bulletins
March 23, 2021
As we edge to the one-year mark of COVID-19’s arrival on Philippine soil, we have reason to be cautiously optimistic. We followed in the global trend and have begun vaccinating healthcare professionals, and multiple deals with various providers are being finalized. Though this may indicate...
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News Release
New Worlds To Round
Tax Bulletins
March 16, 2021
Occasional Poetry on the 500th year of the Circumnavigation of the World and the Arrival of Christianity in the Philippines (March 1521) The coronavirus – red-hot dots in man’s circle of life under a Copernican sun? Five centuries past, five ships ply oceans across cumulus,...
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