News Release
Tariff rates should be lowered to help poor Filipinos
Tax Bulletins
August 15, 2023
(This is the Management Association of the Philippines’ “Position Paper on the Comprehensive Review of the MFN Tariff Structure.”) In the midst of the ongoing move by the Tariff Commission (TC) and the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) to review and reform the tariff...
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News Release
Debt crisis, AI, SME digitalization: The hot topics of Summer Davos 2023
Tax Bulletins
August 14, 2023
The World Economic Forum’s 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions (AMNC23) brought together influential leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators from around the globe on June 27 to June 29.Also known as the “Summer Davos Forum,” AMNC23 was held in Tianjin, People’s Republic of China, with...
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News Release
Malnutrition and management
Tax Bulletins
August 8, 2023
Pundits may ask why the Management Association of the Philippines (MAP) is into solving malnutrition and hunger. I personally believe that management not only involves present-day management but also looks after sustainability in terms of the present-day workforce, a future workforce, and how to ensure...
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News Release
Crafting a genuine country brand: Unveiling the true Filipino identity
Tax Bulletins
August 7, 2023
Understanding our national identity isn’t always a straightforward journey. It’s like navigating a map with countless winding paths, each leading to different facets of what it means to be Filipino. A survey conducted this past June by the EON Group and Tangere set out to...
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News Release
Finding solutions to economic and tax issues
Tax Bulletins
August 1, 2023
Ever since the pandemic hit, economic development around the world has slowed down. In the Philippines, issues on budget deficits, increasing debt, and rising inflation have been staples in the news. But are these issues really as bad as we make it out to be?...
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News Release
The challenge of building resilient organizations
Tax Bulletins
July 31, 2023
The 2023 Management Association of the Philippines Human Resources (HR) Summit discussed with great enthusiasm the high resilience of Filipinos when compared with other countries. While this is good news, the fact remains that having resilient individuals is not enough to build resilient organizations. Typical...
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News Release
Improving ease of doing business: ARTA and PPP
Tax Bulletins
July 25, 2023
The bane of doing business in the Philippines is that all entities (juridical, such as corporations or partnerships, and individuals) are required to apply for, and comply with, government regulations and requirements with compliance evidenced by relevant permits and documents which allow them to go...
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News Release
Business Opportunities in Asean
Tax Bulletins
July 24, 2023
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) has emerged as a dynamic region that presents enticing business opportunities. Asean member-countries boast of a rapidly growing consumer market and a flourishing entrepreneurial ecosystem. With its strategic location and diverse economies, the Asean region has created a...
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News Release
Filipino resilience – our pillar in a highly disruptive future
Tax Bulletins
July 18, 2023
There has been a flurry of bad press about the Philippines: the dismal state of our education system, the drop in our global competitiveness ranking, and more recently the decline in Metro Manila’s ranking in a global live-ability index. In addition, international reports, such as...
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