Renewal in a wild new world
MAP Insights
May 16, 2023
The world is indeed wild and feels like new, vastly different to what it was prior to COVID-19. Factors, such as skyrocketing inflation, the banking crises, supply chain disruptions, the new world disorder, digital acceleration, and climate change have made radical uncertainty certain. Business leaders...
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the Future
In the transit zone: Growth at the epicenter of transformation
MAPping the Future
May 15, 2023
When the disaster strikes, the first order of the day is to examine the numerous factors that may have triggered, worsened or diminished the effects of such catastrophic events. The objective is to keep a ‘stable’ perspective and not to add internal upheaval to an...
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It’s been five administrations
MAP Insights
May 9, 2023
It’s a very difficult decision: Do we, or don’t we? Change the Constitution. I don’t think anyone disputes that the 1987 Constitution has many flaws that need correction. Too much of it goes down to the details that should be in law. Details that can...
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the Future
Mapping the investment ecosystem: Mining the sweet spots (Conclusion)
MAPping the Future
May 8, 2023
(Conclusion) There are four industry clusters in which the Philippines has already developed some of the requisite competencies. Within the industrial, manufacturing and transport cluster, we are eager to attract investments in aerospace, automotive, semiconductors and electronics. For example, our country is home to Collins...
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In loving memory of Albert F. del Rosario
MAP Insights
May 2, 2023
On behalf of the Board of Governors and the more than 1,100 members of the Management Association of the Philippines (MAP), I express our sincerest condolences to Gretchen and the entire family of Ambassador Albert F. del Rosario, whom we will greatly miss. We thank...
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the Future
Mapping the investment ecosystem: Mining the sweet spots (Part 1)
MAPping the Future
May 1, 2023
(First of two parts) The Philippines is on a remarkable journey toward recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The GDP growth rate soared to 7.6 percent in 2022, up from 5.7 percent in 2021. However, as we enter 2023, we see a slower growth rate amid...
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Second wind
MAP Insights
April 25, 2023
If you’re into running or marathons, you most likely have experienced extreme exhaustion at some point during a run and the need to catch your breath. You close your eyes for a few seconds, take a deep breath, and then suddenly you find the strength...
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the Future
Uniting Philippines in pursuit of a powerful nation brand
MAPping the Future
April 24, 2023
As a former diplomat turned entrepreneur, I have played various roles in representing and championing the Philippines. Yet, throughout this journey, I have consistently acted as a salesman for my country. I have witnessed how solid country branding can propel a nation to global prominence,...
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MAP Campaign Against Malnutrition and Child Stunting
MAP Insights
April 18, 2023
We in the Management Association of the Philippines (MAP) recently launched our campaign against malnutrition and child stunting as part of our mission to create a positive impact in nation-building. Our initiatives in getting our message out there about the urgency of addressing this problem...
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