News Release
The “Administrative Sanction Approach” to Corporate Governance Reforms
Tax Bulletins
March 9, 2021
2009 Revised CG Code: A Reactionary Approach When the Revised Code of Corporate Governance (RCCG) was issued by the SEC in June 2009, it changed the regulatory approach to the corporate governance reform by providing for a general administrative sanction clause for any violation of...
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News Release
On The Moral Responsibility Of Business: An Alternative View
Tax Bulletins
March 2, 2021
In November last year, the largest business and professional associations in the Philippines – collectively called the Philippine Business Group (PBG which includes the Management Association of the Philippines, sponsor of this column) signed a “Covenant for Shared Prosperity” by which it pledged to address...
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News Release
The Criminalized Corporate Governance Reform Under The Revised Corporation Code
Tax Bulletins
February 23, 2021
The most profound effects of the Revised Corporation Code in the pursuit of the corporate governance (CG) reforms in the private corporate sector may be grouped into three areas, namely: First, the granting of statutory foundation to the CG principles and best-practices championed by the...
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News Release
Pushing Agribusiness Trade
Tax Bulletins
February 16, 2021
Friends ask me: Where do we invest post-COVID? Despite potential, agricultural export is stuck at around US$7 Billion (B). But agricultural imports are near US$11B or a trade deficit of US$4B. The Philippines I lags its ASEAN peers, most of which have trade surpluses. There...
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News Release
The Weight Of Influence In Trust
Tax Bulletins
February 9, 2021
They are omnipresent, quite inescapable, and — let’s face it — growing in number. As more people gain access to social media platforms and discover their voice and amass followers, influencers as we call them have exponentially increased digital content and, ultimately, changed the way...
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News Release
Mainstreaming Diversity & Inclusion for Good Corporate Governance
Tax Bulletins
February 2, 2021
“Unprecedented” is one word that we hear over and over again – unprecedented demands, challenges, threats, impacts, and the list goes on. Quoting the World Bank Group, what we are experiencing is “an unprecedented crisis, with devastating health, economic, and social effects felt around the...
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News Release
How flood-protecting the flood-management infrastructures can help MM
Tax Bulletins
January 26, 2021
Eleven years ago in September 2009, Tropical Storm “Ondoy”, internationally named as “Ketsana”, plunged many parts of Metro Manila (MM) into waist to rooftop-level floodwaters. The people of MM, especially those in the cities of Pasig, Quezon, Manila, Caloocan, Muntinlupa and Marikina lost their homes...
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News Release
The Great Reset: Leading For The Common Good
Tax Bulletins
January 19, 2021
First, a look back at 2020. 2020 was unexpectedly a Year of SEVERE and MULTIPLE CRISES. We had and have a HEALTH Crisis. The COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic hit the world and the Philippines like a giant sledgehammer. Global statistics show over 20 million COVID-19 cases,...
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News Release
CREATE is the only choice!
Tax Bulletins
January 12, 2021
At the forthcoming legislature’s bicameral conference on corporate tax reform, it should only be a choice between CITIRA (House Bill 4157) and CREATE (Senate bill 1357). CITIRA is the House version of Package 2 of the comprehensive tax reform. CREATE, on the other hand, is...
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